Ledig stilling:

Are you our new Head of School?
Gjøvikregionen International School

Søknadsfrist: 23.04.2025

Head of School


Gjøvikregionen International School (GIS) is a young international school, which opened in August 2015. We have grown rapidly from 30 students in 2015 to over 180 students this academic year, with waiting lists in several grade levels. GIS is an IB World School authorized to offer the Primary Years Programme as well as the Middle Years Programme. Our vision is diversity-powered and innovative learning for global aspirations. We prepare students for the next stage of their educational journey, which includes the IB Diploma Programme at any IB school in the world, including Gjøvik Videregående Skole.

Fakta om stillingen:

Søknadsfrist:  23.04.2025  
Arbeidsgiver:  Gjøvikregionen International School (GIS)
Sted: Gjøvik
Stillingstittel: Head of School  
Heltid / Deltid: Heltid
Ansettelseform: Fast

Gjøvikregionen International School (GIS) is currently seeking a new Head of School.
The Head of School is appointed by the Board and is the school’s chief executive. You will be responsible for the day-to-day operations and you will be the school’s pedagogical and administrative leader, within the framework established by the Board and according to the IB guidelines and standards. It is important that you are visible and actively engage with employees, students, parents, alumni, partners and the wider community as the Head of School. You will also represent the school and its interest externally by participating actively in relevant organizations and networks, such as local authorities.

It is important that you articulate a clear educational vision, and develop and position the school for the future. You must also lead the further development of the school, including the work environment and the school's staff, ensuring they possess the necessary skills and capacity. The Head of School will also be responsible for developing and maintaining appropriate organizational structures to foster a safe, positive and productive learning environment for our students.

Other main tasks and responsibilities:

  • Managing finances alongside the school’s accountants, auditors and Board of Directors
  • Be a visible leader in the local community and ensure further development of cooperation with all partners in the school society.
  • Find subject standards that fit the school considering changes in the curriculum for MYP. 
  • Leading the development and implementation of school policies and guidelines in collaboration with the school’s pedagogical leadership and wider administration.
  • Implementing effective communication systems, creating partnerships based on trust and respect.
  • Ensuring robust legal compliance and internal quality control.

Who are you?

As a person, you have excellent communication skills in English and it is also advantage with familiarity with Norwegian conditions and language. It is essential that you have an understanding of diverse cultures, and are skilled at building relationships and collaborating with staff, students, parents, as well as the commercial sector. GIS is a small and still young school, and the ability to effectively balance administrative and pedagogical responsibilities is important. Additionally, having financial acumen and a understanding of relevant legislation and the International Baccalaureate is desirable.

A Bachelor’s or master’s degree is an absolute requirement, preferably within Educational Science. Ideally, you have completed or want to complete School Leadership Education. You also have leadership experience, preferably from a cross cultural environment.

Does this sound like you? Then we recommend that you apply before the application deadline on April 23rd. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of our recruitment partners in Assessit for an informal and confidential conversation.


Per Kristian Øwre, partner - Regionleder Trondheim, mobil 913 75 565,
e-post: per.kristian.owre@assessit.no

Gunn Elin Trettsveen, senior Associate/ Miljøfyrtårnansvarlig, mobil 454 55 043,
e-post: Gunn.trettsveen@assessit.no


Søknadsfrist:   23. april 2025

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